08. Project Resources

Resources for Completing the Project

The project's GitHub repository (included within the workspace) contains all of the files that you will need. The github repository includes:

  • starter code in the src folder
  • a README file with instructions on compiling the code
  • a Docs folder, which contains details about the structure of the code templates
  • CMakeLists.txt file that will be used when compiling your code (you do not need to change this file)
  • a data file for testing your extended Kalman filter which the simulator interface provides

Here is a link to the project rubric . Your project will need to meet specifications for all of the criteria in the rubric.

Using GitHub and Creating Effective READMEs

If you are unfamiliar with GitHub , Udacity has a brief GitHub tutorial to get you started. Udacity also provides a more detailed free course on git and GitHub .

To learn about README files and Markdown, Udacity provides a free course on READMEs , as well.

GitHub also provides a tutorial about creating Markdown files.


Keep in mind that the minimum project dependency versions are:

Optional Resources

To complete the project, you only need the files in the github repo; however, we are also providing some extra resources that you can use to develop your solution: